Your credit card was approved and we received the funds necessary to form your new nonprofit corporation.
Your Next Step
If you have not already done so your next step is to complete our online questionnaire. We use the answers you give us in your questionnaire to prepare your corporate documents.
Click here to access our Nonprofit Corporation Formation Questionnaire. Answer all of the questions and be sure to click on the submit button at the end of the questionnaire.
Your Contacts at KEYTLaw
Nonprofit corporate attorney Richard C. Keyt will be primarily responsible for preparing the documents and forming the corporation. If you have any questions, call Richard C. Keyt at 480-664-7472 or his legal assistant Noah Bernstein at 480-605-2391.
What You Can Expect
1. If your Questionnaire is not complete or if we have any questions about anything Richard C. Keyt will contact the person designated as the contact on the Questionnaire.
2. Within three days of receiving your payment and completed Questionnaire we will email to the contact person the proposed Articles of Incorporation, a Certificate of Disclosure, Bylaws, organizational Resolutions and, if your corporation will be a charitable organization, the seven charitable organization policies.
3. The President of the corporation must sign the Articles of Incorporation and the Certificate of Disclosure and return these two documents to us for filing with the Arizona Corporation Commission.
4. We will file the Articles of Incorporation on the same day we receive the signed Articles of Incorporation and Certificate of Disclosure from corporation’s incorporator.
5. The corporation will be born and can start doing business on the date we file the Articles of Incorporation with the Arizona Corporation Commission.
6. Although you hired us to get your corporation’s federal employer ID number (EIN), we cannot get the EIN unless an officer or director of the corporation signs and returns to us an IRS Form SS-4. The signed IRS Form SS-4 authorizes our legal assistant to contact the IRS for your corporation and get the EIN. Click on the following link to access and complete our online DocuSign SS-4 for a non-profit corporation. When you complete and digitally sign the SS-4, DocuSign will send the signed SS-4 form to the signer and to my legal assistant who can then get the EIN. We must have this completed and signed SS-4 form before we can get the Employer ID Number from the IRS.
It’s actually easier to get the EIN yourself than to do the SS-4 form. Watch my demo video to learn how to get the EIN yourself.
7. Approximately one week after we file the Articles of Incorporation the Arizona Corporation Commission will approve the Articles of Incorporation.
8. After the Arizona Corporation Commission approves the Articles of Incorporation we will send the corporation’s minute book with all of the organizational documents behind tabs in the portfolio to the corporation’s contact person. The President will be responsible for obtaining all necessary signatures on the Bylaws and other documents. Keep the minute book and its contents in a safe place.
For Corporations that Intend to Be Charitable Organizations
If you intend for your nonprofit corporation to be a tax-exempt charity, then as soon as practicable after the corporation is formed it should prepare and file an IRS Form 1023 or 1023EZ. Donations to a nonprofit corporation are not deductible on the donors’ federal income tax return unless the corporation is an IRS approved tax-exempt organization or a bona fide religious organization. The IRS Form 1023 is due 15 months after the corporation is formed, but the corporation can apply for a 12 month extension.
To learn more about applying for a tax-exemption for a charitable organization read: